Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A unique dining experience like no other @ Soneva Kiri!

Launched by Soneva Kiri by Six Senses, the Treepod Dining experience is a spectacular way to enjoy a meal with a view amidst the Thai jungle. To conceive an idea like this must have been quite wild and unbelievable.

Guests first board the rattan like a bird’s nest on the ground level, sit tight with leather seatbelts fasten and then get gently hoisted 16 feet up into the tall trees. Each pod is comfortably cushioned and seats four diners. Your waiter zips to and fro via a zip line from a small platform perched halfway down the hill. Once meals are served, he zips back up the hill. Diners can enjoy the peaceful, clear waters surrounding remote Koh Kood (also known for it’s waterfalls and village life) interrupted occasionally by a bewildered squirrel or the passing butterfly. The Treepod is situated at one of the best vantage points the resort offers; a few yards along the coastal path from the resort’s main facilities on the west facing side of the island.

In collaboration with Olav Bruin 24h Architects, British-born Louis Thompson, designer of both the Treepod Dining and Soneva Kiri’s Eco Villa commented, “It has taken two and a half years from design to final realisation; it is great to see it so appreciated by guests. Even people without a head for heights are thoroughly enjoying it! The element I am particularly proud of is that we actually managed to build it without any bolts or attachments into the actual trees. I strongly feel that the concept has a range of other applications which I am really looking forward to investigating. We are also looking into guests being able to fly on the zip line through the jungle themselves!”

Now, who could resist the opportunity to dine up in the canopy in your own private tree house? Maybe this can be proposed to the NPark for their new project at Garden By The Bay. 

We have enough Treetop walks. So how about Treetop dining eh?

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